Ioana Biris


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Ioana Biris, co owner at Nature Desks, posted

Outdoor Office Day - Connect with nature & be active outdoors during working hours.

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On June 13th 2024 we will celebrate the 6th edition of the international Outdoor Office Day. It’s an open invitation to take your work outside. Please make use of the urban nature around your office. Use your working day to be active outdoors and increase vitality.

This year’s theme is 'Connecting with each other’. This means you can connect with your direct colleagues, colleagues from other departments, neighbours, or external relations. Please make the effort on Thursday 13th June to go outside in the vicinity of your workplace or office. Work in the urban nature and notice the difference.

Please join the growing network of individuals and companies that take their work outside more and more often. Get inspired whilst you spend time surrounded by urban nature. This enhances new and meaningful relationships, stimulates the flow of good ideas and supports the forging of valuable collaborations.

Ioana Biris's picture Meet-up on Jun 13th
Ioana Biris, co owner at Nature Desks, posted

Outdoor Office Day 2023

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Please join us and save this date: the 5th international edition of the #OutdoorOfficeDay will take place on June 15th. A celebration of the connection between urban nature, work and wellbeing.

✨ Keep an eye on our platform and it's socials: they are filled with best practices and insights, cool products, inspiring locations and stories of the frontrunners and local events from all around the world: from Amsterdam to Seoul, Helsingborg to Washington DC, Timisoara to The Hague, Rotterdam or Utrecht to central Finland.

The locations and participants:

✨ Find us online here
Linkedin event - Instagram - Twitter

Do you also prefer to take your work outdoors? Are you meeting your colleagues in a city park close to home? Do you have phone conversations whilst walking outside and do you like to organize #weetings (walking meetings)? When the sun comes out, do you find yourself grabbing a table and chairs from your home or office, placing them on a balcony, on the pavement or garden in order to read or write? Work, well-being and urban nature are indivisibly linked. Today more than ever! Celebrate on the 15th of June 2022 the necessity to work more healthily by taking your office outdoors: #outdoorofficeday

Outdoor Office Day is an open invitation. For everyone. It doesn't matter whether you work fulltime from home or are gradually returning to the office. Being self-employed or a manager at a corporate. Welcome!

Ioana Biris's picture Meet-up on Jun 15th
Ioana Biris, co owner at Nature Desks, posted

Outdoor Office Day 2022

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Please join us and save this date: the 4th international edition of the #OutdoorOfficeDay will take place on June 16th. A celebration of the connection between urban nature, work and wellbeing.

✨ Keep an eye on our platform the coming months we'll share the best practices and insights, cool products, inspiring locations and stories of the frontrunners and local events from all around the world: from Amsterdam to Seoul, Helsinborg to Washington DC, Tokio to The Hague.

Linkedin event - Instagram - Twitter

Do you also prefer to take your work outdoors? Are you meeting your colleagues in a city park close to home? Do you have phone conversations whilst walking outside and do you like to organize #weetings (walking meetings)? When the sun comes out, do you find yourself grabbing a table and chairs from your home or office, placing them on a balcony, on the pavement or garden in order to read or write? Work, well-being and urban nature are indivisibly linked. Today more than ever! Celebrate on 16th of June 2022 the necessity to work more healthily by taking your office outdoors: #outdoorofficeday

Outdoor Office Day is an open invitation. For everyone. It doesn't matter whether you work fulltime from home or are gradually returning to the office. Being self-employed or a manager at a corporate. Join us and participate in 4th edition of the international #OutdoorOfficeDay and prove that you care about your own well-being and that of your colleagues.

Ioana Biris's picture Online event on Jun 16th
Ioana Biris, co owner at Nature Desks, posted

De tweede, herziene druk van #UrbanNatureAmsterdam, de groenblauwe kaart van de stad is er!

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Bijna drie jaar na de lancering van de eerste versie van de groenblauwe kaart van Amsterdam en 3.000 exemplaren verder, hebben we een tweede - herziene - druk van #UrbanNatureAmsterdam gemaakt. Maandagavond 21 maart werd tijdens Vier de Lente! in Pakhuis de Zwijger het eerste exemplaar uitgereikt aan de nieuwe groenburgemeester van Amsterdam.

Wat is nieuw in deze tweede versie van #UrbanNatureAmsterdam? Ontdek bijvoorbeeld 🌱 de eekhoornbruggen in het Gijsbrecht van Aemstelpark, 🌱 twee nieuwe stadsparken, 🌱 het monumentaal groen of de eerste tiny forest van de stad, 🌱 nieuwe stadse Trage Tochten, 🌱 de natuur in de 'Port of Amsterdam', 🌱 nieuwe partners, 🌱 informatie over natuur inclusief bouwen of 🌱 de vernieuwde top-10 lijsten met dingen die je in de stad kunt doen.

Op de voorzijde van de kaart zie je letterlijk hoeveel groen en blauw in Amsterdam is te vinden: de parken, (binnen)tuinen, plantsoenen, natuurspeeltuinen, sportvelden, grachten, meren, polders en bossen. De achterzijde van de kaart vol met informatie fungeert als een oproep aan de gebruiker: ontdek de natuur, maar draag ook bij aan vergroening van de stad.

Met dank aan Urban Good CIC en aan onze nieuwe partners Buurtgroen020, Anmec en Natuurfontein. En partners Gemeente Amsterdam, Staatsbosbeheer, Waterschap Amstel, Gooi en Vecht en Recreatie Noord Holland.

Ioana Biris's picture #Citizens&Living
Ioana Biris, co owner at Nature Desks, posted

How to make cities #GreenerHealthierWilder! Voices from around the world.

Save this date - 29.10 - and register for #GreenerHealthierWilder, an event brought to you by our friends from National Park City Foundation, Salzburg Global Seminar and World Urban Parks. - FREE -

1 day, 3 sessions, 50 voices! 🌳🌎
From #Amsterdamm Daan Bleichrodt #tinyforests - from #ClujNapoca #SomesDelivery - from #Bogota Maria Mejia & many many others.

Ioana Biris's picture #Citizens&Living
Ioana Biris, co owner at Nature Desks, posted

Wandelend vergaderen (=weeting) met de #UrbanNatureAmsterdam kaart

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Wandelen in de natuur maakt overleggen productiever, creatiever en gezonder. Waarom niet wandelend vergaderen? Op 24 september nodigen we jullie uit om wandelend een onbekende te ontmoeten. Dit event vindt plaats in het kader van De week van het Groene Kapitaal.

Op de eerste groenblauwe kaart van Amsterdam staan er maar liefst 7 ‘weeting’ routes met als doel om mensen die in Amsterdam werken te inspireren om hun werkvergaderingen naar buiten te verplaatsen.

Meer informatie over weetings: <>

Meer informatie over de groenblauwe kaart: <>

Ioana Biris's picture Event on Sep 24th